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Types of Data Analytics Projects

on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 14:41

BIG DATA. Over the past few years, we’ve heard the term so many times. Yet, there’s not a common understanding of the why it’s important, what’s involved, and how to start using it right.

Most organizations aren’t very good at data analytics.

So, l will start by recommending you watch the TED Talks “Big Data is Better Data” (see attached; bottom of page), read the Forbes article, “Big Data: 20 Mind-Boggling Facts Everyone Must Read” (see attached; bottom of page), and read Julia Smith’s answer to my question. "What are the main types of data analytics projects?"

You’ll learn a lot in less

Top 10 Ways that Big Data Increases Privacy Risks

on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 14:49

by Julia Smith

A client asked me, “How does Big Data have an impact on customer privacy?” Answering the question helped me develop my Top 10 Big Data Privacy Risks list.

  1. The risk of re-identifying data that have been de-identified. While the initial source data may have been scrubbed of personally identifying details, when aggregated with other sources, it enables individuals to be identified. According to a Financial Times article1, combining just three data elements—birthday, gender, and postal code—is all that someone needs to uniquely identify at least 87% of U.S.

Integrating IT into Business Units: Pros and Cons

on Tue, 05/26/2015 - 15:12

Integrating IT into Business Units:  Pros and Cons:

  • 88% of mid-size P&C CIOs report highly centralized ITmanagement
  • Only 10% of companies report as being "extremely successful" in IT and business alignment efforts
  • 65% say that "ineffective communication of business strategy and goals between business management and IT management represents a significant or moderate challenge"

by Vladimir Orovic

Leadership and Management: Similarities, Differences, Meaning

on Tue, 05/26/2015 - 15:05

Leadership and Management:  Similarities, Differences, Meaning...

When Noah heard the weather forecast he ordered the building of an Ark.  That was leadership

Then he looked around and said "Make sure the elephants see what the rabbits are up to".  That was management.

by Vladimir Orovic


Values in a Chaotic World

on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 20:52

Strict marching orders in a chaotic environment are an almost certain prescription for disaster. The strength of an organization lies in the ability of its people to use their collective and individual intelligence to further the organization's objectives. Each member sees a somewhat different part of the world surrounding the organization. And each member must decide how to best respond. When the world was relatively stable, the executive at the top of an organization could reliably predict what people throughout the organization would confront in the world outside.

Assess My Partners

on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 20:51

The days of the standing army of employees are coming to an end. Wirearchy is replacing hierarchy. Collaboration is the name of the game. Organization development that continue to focus only on employees not only risks irrelevance in the 21st century, but worse, threatens to become a boat anchor keeping the sails of innovation from catching any wind.

Most organizations of any size have long since implemented assessment programs and tools designed to ensure that we don’t hire only for skill and then wind up firing for attitude.