Alpha Insights draws upon its extensive and growing network of independent senior service delivery specialists. We bring together the resources needed to deliver high value to our clients, and we always tailor the services we offer to the specific and particular needs of each client. Clients enjoy high value, field tested services without the high overhead of a major firm.
Click the links in the following examples to see a sample of the kinds of tested, proven service offerings available from Alpha associates and partners.
Business Innovation Kick-Start -- When an early business win is important.
Engage the business; identify the most promising business opportunities; deliver rapid results that make a real difference for the business. Service Provider Links: Roger Vandomme, ennova
Organizational Assessment -- When a baseline is needed from which to measure results.
Use an objective and quantitative approach to assess senior management teams, their organizations, and their cultures... and determine what's missing. Service Provider Links: Roger Vandomme, Executive & Board Services, Do Differently
Leadership Alignment -- When there's friction in the IT leadership team.
Identify the strengths and management styles of the senior team and give them the tools to work together more effectively. Provide focused support to middle management, reducing time to effectiveness in new roles and embedding required new behaviors. Service Provider Links: Roger Vandomme, Balanced WorkLife Company, Executive & Board Services
Focused Talent Search -- When new permanent or interim people are required.
Quickly fill critical vacancies with qualified senior talent from inside or outside the organization. Alpha arose from one of Canada's most successful technology executive search practices.and we continue to offer high value, unbundled executive search services. Service Provider Links: Balanced WorkLife Company, Doug Weir, Garry Innanen, Henry Dortmans
Talent as a Service - Browse some of the best talent in the business to find the ideal candidate to lead or help execute your big initiatives.
- Alpha’s outstanding Project, Change, and Recovery Managers can make the difference between success and failure of transformation programs. Service Provider Links: Andree Shore, Alex Schoijett, Julia Smith
- Senior Technology experts provide the desired subject matter knowledge on data, big data, architecture. Service Provider Links: John Kemp, Alex Schoijett, Roger Vandomme
This list is representative, not complete. Fundamental to Alpha's value proposition, only those services appropriate to the challenges and opportunities faced by a client will be offered to that client. If a new service is required to provide support for a client, Alpha has and will continue to search the world to find the very best independent senior service provider. Clients will always enjoy appropriate, senior, independent, high-value support.